Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Technology Has Made Life Better

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Technology is the everlasting magnetism of the Expo. Looking by the 150 years history of the World Expo, every success is inseparable from the aid of science and technology, therefore, the completions of science and technology is the memorable highlights of every Expo. Looking behind at the history, we tin find namely entire technologies like lighting, communications were impossible several years antecedent, but while they were accessible at the Expo , they gradually transform the mainstream industry, and widely give the behalf to all mankind.
"Better City, Better Life", is the theme of 2010 Shanghai World Expo, merely likewise our prevalent ambitions. Then how human live in the metropolis extra cozy and more harmonious? The innovation with technology showed in the Shanghai World Expo has narrated a better hereafter life for our city and open the gate apt the future. A chromatic city is coming.
Science and technology not merely promote the process of economic and society, but also improve our quality of life and make the life more comfortable and convenient. Science and technology have played one major character in clothes, food, housing, transmission, people's making, and life. In the fast development of 21st centenary, more technology is not recondite, it is in our life, as long as we take a careful observation, you can invent your own technology. In this session of the Shanghai World Expo, 189 countries around the world, 57 international unions and 18 enterprises proposed their new minds in the fashionable energy, environmental conservation, energy saving and additional aspects. Practice ambition prove that the exhibit at the Expo almost the new energy, new substances and new message technologies will be widely promoted and applied in the future.
Technology comes from life and life also can no live without technology. The modern evolution of technology give a big space for young people, they can have more contingencies to touch ,to learn science, and it is a agreeable direction to open their eyes. Older generation of scientists have secondhand their emphatic contributions to promote the evolution of people civilization. Young people of our generation have to take their instance from infancy to adore science, disburse attention to civilization, learn hard and enhance the ideological and moral standards and scientific and cultural quality, continuously improve the scientific train and innovative ability. Try to become a male with scientific production and make a contribution to our city life.

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